Moving beyond election day a handful of items come readily to mind for how we followers of Jesus move forward. READ MORE
Six Prayer Prompts for November’s Election
New Hope Church is using these six prayer prompts in preparation for the November election. Perhaps they will help you, too. READ MORE
Nothing So Strong as Gentleness
For those more gentle than not, and yet who often hear such a disposition is weakness, take heart. Nothing is so strong as gentleness. READ MORE
Begging for a Sign
If Jesus performed a miracle they would believe he was in cahoots with Satan. If he failed they would declare him a fraud worthy of stoning. READ MORE
Of Whom the World is Not Worthy
God of Heaven, I know who the real heroes are–women and men stepping out with pangs of hunger to do your bidding. READ MORE
(At least) 7 Keys to a Dynamic Team
There are great values embedded here for any team, and particularly those teams that represent the Lord Jesus Christ. READ MORE