Some time ago I took a phone call from a regional newspaper regarding the nature of love. The conversation gave consideration to the contrast between biblical love and the so-called “love” that is portrayed in movies like 50 Shades of Grey. To that I simply pointed out that love is about giving, while 50 Shades “love” READ MORE
“Walk By the Spirit!”
As the Apostle Paul brings closure to his thoughts regarding love being supreme over and above the fleshly extremes of license and law, he raises a tension regarding how to ensure this love will prevail. Galatians 5:16 and following resolve this tension with profound clarity, and the resolution is the antithesis of self-effort. “Walk by READ MORE
Turning Pain into a Parable
I have been giving some thought to the ways that God reveals himself in our lives and remembered this blog post from a couple of years back. As I reread it I decided it might be worth re-posting. Let me know if it resonates with you: Yesterday was one of those days marked by pain. READ MORE
I Will Say “Yes”
Lord, patiently, you ask me to wait. But this chore seems so slow. Thus, I ask you to hurry And you kindly, gently, say “no.” You, the Creator, hold all in your hand Thus, here I shall watch with wonder; stand. And run not ahead to where I think you must go. I shall wait, READ MORE